Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jill McDougald's Sept. Blog Post 2: Reading Essentials, Ch. 5

In Chapter 5, Routman talks about how important it is to have a very organized, inviting classroom library. It's purpose is to allow for different book choices, book levels and improve reading achievement.  Routman says, “It really doesn’t matter much what kids read as long as they read and enjoy what they’re reading."

I have recently spent time reorganizing my classroom library.  My books are in book bins that are labeled by subject or author.  The labels have a picture and a word on them to help my students choose a book.  I used pictures to help those who are beginning readers and can't read the words.  I plan to add more book bins and books to my classroom library soon.

I have made AR reading log folders for each of my students so they can keep track of the books that they have read and taken test on.  I also plan to create a top 10 favorite book list to make sure I have books that interest my students.


  1. Jill, I want to come see your library! Taking the plunge of reorganizing your library can be scary. I am interested to know how you feel about it! Do you miss your old organization? If I can help in anyway when your new bins come in, let me know. I would be glad to assist you in any way. I also love how you are going to use a "Top 10" to help you match interesting texts with your readers. They will love that they are able to assist in adding books to the library!

  2. Hi Jill,
    I loved reading that you have spent time this past month organizing your classroom library to provide students with bins that are labeled by subject and author with labels that even have a picture and a word that can help students be independent in self selecting their own texts. I also appreciate how you are taking Routman's suggestion in Chapter 5 for providing a space in your classroom library to recommend books to each other. The top 10 favorite book lists can help motivate your students to read books that they have recommended to each other and updating this list periodically can help you ensure that your classroom library is full of books that will interest your students. Thanks, Dawn
