Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Michelle Lanford- March Post- Chapter 6 Routman

This chapter is about the importance of independent reading. Routman states that students need more than just good instruction. They also need practice with reading to get good at it. However, she also says that not all students will be better readers just because we give them time to read. Students' reading has to be monitored. If the books are too difficult and they don't understand, there won't be much change in their reading. We have to be monitoring the students' reading along the way with individual conferences. This is why we listen to them read and take notes about what we notice. We can use this time to reinforce some reading skills that we see them using or quickly "suggest" some that they may not be using. Then we can go back later and see if they are applying what we have "suggested." At the beginning of each year we teach students how to choose "just right" books for themselves. Then we keep a check on it to make sure they are doing this. We want students to grow as readers and they can't do this if they are reading books that are much to easy or too hard. An important part of independent reading is student choice, but we have to teach them how to make the choice. In my room students are given a tote bag at the beginning of the year. They get to decorate and personalize it which they love. They use this bag throughout the year to "shop" for books from the library. They hang their bag on the back of their chair and they always have books within reach. It is a great way for early finishers to be occupied until time to move on as well. Students get books from their tote bags for independent reading in class as well.


  1. Choosing just right books is an important skill for our students to learn, especially when faced with a book without a colored dot on the side! We want our readers to be able to find books outside of our school. I am so glad you have invested the time to teach your students how to pick "just right books." Independent Reading is also a great time to practice skills that you have been teaching in your small group instruction. Our ultimate goal is for our readers to have a toolbox full of strategies, be able to choose the right tool, at the right time, and apply it to what they are reading on their own!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I agree with you that our students need choice in their texts and while we want them to be able to fluently read on their level during independent reading time, it is vital that we teach them how to make good book selections. Mrs. Brown is right, that independent reading time is way more than stop, drop, and read - it is a structure for us to model what strategies we want them to try and then an opportunity for them to implement it. Sincerely, Dawn
