This chapter summarizes everything most teachers feel on a daily basis. How can I get all this done and still have a life?? The chapter stresses that we re-evaluate our schedule- at home and at school. Why do we spend so much time away from school grading papers and creating elaborate centers? At school, why are we constantly falling behind and not getting everything done that needs to be done. Routman does an excellent job of explaining why and how we are feeling that we can't get it all done. We are putting our energy into the wrong places. We need to look at the amount of busy work we are giving students vs the amount of quality teaching our students are getting. Teachers need to communicate with administration about things that are out of their control that eats up so much time. Communication is key. Routman also does a great job of how teachers can integrate subject matter so you don't feel rushed jumping from one topic to another.
Some days I feel that I am a hamster on the wheel- never getting anywhere. There are days that I do have busy work. I have re-evaluated my plans many times through out the years, but I still think I could do so much better with my time. When I give my students quality instruction and then are to work on something that has meaning and purpose, the day runs so much smoother. I am less stressed and so are the students. I feel that my first grade team does a great job of combining areas together- like shared reading with teaching reading strategies. One of my biggest pet peeves is doing grammar as an isolated topic. I am trying my best to incorporate grammar into shared reading, guided reading and independent reading. I think social media plays a part in how stressed we are over time. Social media lets us connect with other teachers but it also shows the "fabulous centers" created or the million dollar classroom décor they have. So we feel stressed that my classroom needs to look that way. All of that takes up way too much time- keeping up with your teacher friend down the hall or your instagram teacher friend never serves a purpose. As Routman said, rely on your professional feelings about what is purposeful in your own classroom.
When I read "Teachers need to communicate with administration about things that are out of their control that eats up so much time. Communication is key." in your blog, I instantly thought of how valuable the K/1 staff development before spring break was! There were so many good discussions and reflective thinking done during that session. I love how your grade level determined that you no longer saw the benefit of Fix-Me sentences and were brave enough to do away with them and embrace change!
ReplyDeleteYou are right, Pinterest, etc. can make you feel like you have to do more! I pin so many things and never use them. I go back and look at what I pinned occasionally and I know if it is something useful for students, or will help me be more efficient with my time, I will sacrifice the time to do it. Otherwise, it's just nice to look at on my dream boards!
Thank you Leslie for the many ways you advocate for not only our students, but our teachers. Thank you for being a reflective practitioner willing to adjust and to change in order to best meet your students' needs. Sincerely, Dawn