Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sheryl Elliott-Routman- Chapter 5- Dec. blog

Organize an Outstanding Classroom Library opened my eyes to many things.  My library does not “jump out” at anyone who enters my classroom.  I do have a nice book shelf that was given to me by a former group of students, but it does not stand out when you walk into my room.  I know that I need more comfortable seating for my students.  I think that would make my classroom a more reading-inviting environment.  “An adequate classroom library will have at least two hundred books, but an excellent library will have more than a thousand.”  Wow that spoke volumes to me.  My classroom library is not close to having one thousand books.  I really liked the suggestion of surveying my students to see what they like to read.  That would give me great suggestions on books to add to my library.  In the past, I’ve relied on what my personal children are reading too.  I think my biggest weakness in my classroom library is nonfiction.  My selection is pretty slim.  I know I need to add more.  I love, love, love the suggestions found in the paragraph about making book talk “hot” in my class.  I am going to implement the “top-ten” list.  I think my students would love that.  I also love the idea of using rain gutters to display books.  I have a lot of wall space and would love to do that in my class.  This article made me realize that I have some work to do to make my classroom library better for my students.


  1. I am so thankful that you were able to take away so many ideas from the Routman chapter! Have you thought about sending home Scholastic book orders? Using those points to purchase books always allowed me to keep adding new books to my classroom library. Even if only one or two students order, the points can add up quickly. If you haven't done it in a while, they now offer online ordering so there is very little work involved after you set up your classroom account. I am working on the gutters. Displaying books will definitely entice readers! It has been approved by Haun, I just need to figure out the best way to purchase them. I will keep you posted, but hopefully we will have them soon!

  2. Hi Sheryl,
    It sounds like you have gotten a lot of great ideas from Routman's chapter on classroom libraries. One way I like to do interest inventories is through padlet or through a discussion board on itslearning. This way they are easy to refer to throughout the year when you have book fairs or opportunities to add to your classroom library. Routman's Top Ten list is a favorite one of mine too and one that I think your students would love to create each month or quarter. Sincerely, Dawn
