Monday, September 14, 2015

Martha Frye-Blog Post 1-Reading Essentials/Ch. 3

What does “Share Your Reading Life” look and sound like in the classroom of a kindergarten teacher?  I’ve often brainstormed with students the types of materials “people” read, such as newspapers, magazines, directions, recipes, books that tell us facts, books that tell us a story.  But I don’t intentionally make it personal to what I, myself, read.  Chapter 3 has motivated me to do so.  I read the newspaper every day and I can occasionally bring it to class with me.   I can bring the one and only magazine I receive at home and compare it to the Let’s Find Out Magazine the kids receive in the classroom.  I can share with them my favorite places to read:  on my front porch, sitting in the sand on the beach, at Hatcher Garden.  I can show them my library card and talk about how easy it is to stop by the Westside library and check out books.  I always share with them children’s books I own that have been autographed and inscribed by the author and/or illustrator and tell them how I met the authors and illustrators at writing conferences.  From my summer spent in the Spartanburg Writing Project, I show them books, short stories and poems I’ve written myself.  The “Try It Apply It” section on page 35 of the chapter has inspired me to attempt the reading record method described for kindergartners.  Later this month our hall bulletin board will have a “Falling in Love with Books” theme and will feature a photo of each child sharing a favorite book brought from home on that child’s Star Student day.  I hope this book sharing during the first month of school will increase the students’ desire to learn to read themselves and that before the year is over, each child will be able to independently read a book he/she shares in the weeks to come.


  1. Martha-I loved your ideas on how we can share our personal reading life with our students. I also spend time talking with my students about types of things we can read and even people that read. However, I do not emphasize that I also read. After reading Routman Chapter 3 I know that I will be more intentional about sharing my own reading life with my students. I also love your idea of having students bring in a favorite book and then share it with the class. I can't wait to see your bulletin board!

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  3. Martha, I love your bulletin board idea! Your students will feel a sense of pride when they see their pictures beside their favorite book. I am sure the students will remember many of their fellow students favorites, as well. What an incredible way to build community in your kindergarten class. I can't wait to see the display and hear about all the wonderful things your students have shared! They are truly building book love in room 214!
