Tuesday, November 3, 2015

V. Thompson Blog Post #1-Routman Chapter 5-Organize an Outstanding Classroom Library


             I enjoyed reading this chapter on Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library since there is always room for improvement in this area.  I have been blessed with a pretty healthy classroom library. Many of my books have come through accumulating Scholastic points over the years and inheriting my mother's books when she retired, but the bulk of my books were purchased and donated to me by my kindergarten teacher! She has made it a habit over the years of frequenting various Goodwill stores and then passing  them  on to me when I go home to Ohio each summer:) With that being said, I am always open to ideas to organize it in ways that are more effective and" kid friendly" at the same time.
             Over the years I have worked on improving the variety of my library by adding books from each genre.  This is an ongoing process.  I would love to add more non-fiction text to my collection  since the kids tend to gravitate to the non-fiction  animal books in our room.
             One thing that I started implementing more consistently last year were "Book Talks." The kids LOVE sharing what they read and it is a terrific way to get other students engaged and excited about reading!  I love the idea of having students develop their own "top-ten" lists of favorite books just like The New York Times Book Review!  What a great idea!  I can't wait to give this a try!
             Having a healthy classroom library is a must!  I have found that when your library hosts a variety of genres and "just right" books for each child, students stay engaged and grow as readers.


  1. Vickie, when I think of your classroom, I think of books, books, books! It is evident when anyone walks into your room that reading is a priority to you! Any teacher would be envious of the number of books you have amassed over the years. I love that you are always looking for ways to improve it and that you realize it will be ever-changing. I can't wait to hear how the Top Ten lists turn out. I would love to hear about some of your student's favorite books!

  2. Vicki,
    As long as I have known you - going on 15 years now when we both walked into AMES together, your love of books and your passion for growing great readers has been consistent. Your classroom library is ever expanding and on any given day I can walk by and see your students reading. It blessed me to know that your kindergarten teacher passes books down to you. I know that this is a joy to you and that she continues to be a part of educating students every time one of yours picks up and loves a book she gave. Sincerely, Dawn

  3. Vicki,
    As long as I have known you - going on 15 years now when we both walked into AMES together, your love of books and your passion for growing great readers has been consistent. Your classroom library is ever expanding and on any given day I can walk by and see your students reading. It blessed me to know that your kindergarten teacher passes books down to you. I know that this is a joy to you and that she continues to be a part of educating students every time one of yours picks up and loves a book she gave. Sincerely, Dawn
