Saturday, October 17, 2015

Suits Blog Post 1: Routman Chapter 3 Share You Reading Life

"I hate reading!" is a common statement in my room.  Really, I don't blame my students at all. Reading is hard for them.  They don't always understand how these letters form together to make a word.  They learn patterns and word families, but then there's that word that just doesn't follow any pattern at all. I understand that statement too, because I "hated" reading too.  It wasn't until my sophomore year at Dorman, that I actually found pleasure in reading.  I guess you could say that I was a "late bloomer."  Since I believe in honesty, I share that with my kids.  I let them know that it's ok that they "hate" reading now, because I used to, too.  However, I want to teach them to love it by reading books on their level that actually interest them.

In my (let's be honest) disheveled classroom library, I have a section labeled "Miss Suits' Favorites."  I have chapter books of autobiographies, teaching books, picture books, and fun children's books that I have always loved.  This is one of my students' favorite book bucket to look through.  They enjoy that fact that they have something to talk to me about. If they know what interests me in books, then they can learn topics to start conversations with me. It's a great student-teacher relationship builder.

Right now, I am reading The Selection Series by Kiera Cass. I just finished the first book and gave it to Shannon to start. Jennifer suggested the series and even lent me the books to read. Thanks Jennifer! They are fun, quick reads that just allow me to relax and escape this chaotic and emotional start to my school year.


  1. That is awesome that you have a Miss Suit's Favorite Books bucket and that the children love to learn more about you by looking through them! I am sure they all gasp when you tell them you didn't always love reading, They probably enjoy your honesty. I would love to come help you with your disheveled library. (After one Beezie Brown is no longer in the room!) I am sure I can get it organized for you!

  2. Hi Mollie,
    I love that you not only share your favorite books with your students in a bin in your classroom library but you also share your reading live and share honestly your experiences as a reader. I know that this helps build a relationship with your students that encourages them to love reading. Thank you! Sincerely, Dawn
