Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Vickie Thompson-Routman-Chapter 6 Plan For and Monitor Independent Reading

       I love the opening quote in Chapter 6-"If proficient readers typically read extensively on their own, as the research suggests, it would seem prudent, even scientific, to develop this habit in young readers."  What a powerful statement!  I have always believed in the philosophy that students need to spend the majority of the day reading not just through IR time but across the curriculum.  This  needs to be established from Day 1 as we begin to set up our classroom routines.  Teaching the students to PICK the right book and build stamina is powerful and effective.  Being consistent with this  throughout the year is the key to success!  Making sure each child is choosing books on their level, varying genre choice, and staying focused can be quite a juggling act at first, but once these routines are established it becomes a well-oiled machine. I like the way Routman puts it, "Independent reading provides the indispensable practice that literacy learners require to become successful, self-regulating, self-monitoring readers."


  1. Hi Vicky,
    I agree with you 100% that our students don't just need to read during independent reading, but need to be encouraged to read throughout the day in multiple subjects. Many times we take away this opportunity by reading aloud the textbook in social studies and science. I believe this robs students of the opportunities they have to choose books of interest and to grow in independence. Thanks, Dawn

  2. I agree! Reading across the curriculum is so important! It drives home the fact that we want them to develop as readers and not just to learn to read. Students need experience reading about anything and everything because that is what they will do out in the "real world"!
